Tashkent Favourites (0)

Sell or buy, rent or lease commercial premises - shops, markets, tents, hypermarkets

Реклама недвижимости в Ташкенте
room 1 Floors1 /2 Square 235 Sq.(m2) 235
Rent shop Tashkent, Sergeli Sergeli close
room 1 Floors1 Sq.(m2) 400
Rent shop Tashkent, Sergeli
room 4 Floors1 /4 Sq.(m2) 75
Sell shop Tashkent, Uchtepa Foziltepa
room 6 Floors1 /9 Sq.(m2) 1956
Sell shop Tashkent, Sergeli

Buy or rent shops, boutique and retail space in Tashkent
Placement on the map and detailed search of information covering the whole range of operations with trading objects.

Shops - sale and purchase, rental and removal of stores in Tashkent. I will sell or buy, rent or rent a search, prices for shops and stores in Tashkent